The Problem With Fog in Aviation
Introduction The world of aviation is very dynamic and poses a lot of risks that are hazardous to our lives. One significant threat is the impact weather, specifically fog and low visibility. We as humans depend our lives on visibility on almost every aspect in life, especially in aviation. The reason fog is so dangerous is because of its significant impact on visibility. Fog can reduce visibility for pilots and air traffic controllers by a large margin. Their visibility can be reduced to as low as just a few feet (Clifford Law Offices, 2020). Many aviation accidents are caused by fog and in fact the most deadliest aviation accident in history was caused by fog when two jumbo jets collided on a airport runway (Clifford Law Offices, 2020). Another reason fog can be dangerous is it may cause an over reliance in technology which can lead to aviation accidents when automated systems or navigation instruments are misinterpreted, malfunction, or when pilots fail to cross-check their instrume...